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Charlottesville City Schools

School Board Home

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The Charlottesville City School Board is made up of seven members elected to at-large seats on November ballots. School board members serve four-year staggered terms that begin the following January. The chairperson and vice-chairperson are elected by the entire board annually.

Duties of the School Board include:

  • Setting policy for the school division
  • Hiring and evaluating the superintendent
  • Approving a budget to meet the financial needs of the school division
  • Approving the annual school calendar and school operating times
  • Determining school boundaries

Ways for the Community to Participate

Receive Notices about Charlottesville School Board Meetings

Staff and Cville Schools families automatically receive notices about the Board’s upcoming meetings and links to agendas via ParentSquare. Others interested in receiving these notices  can register here.

Attend or Speak at Monthly School Board Meetings

Regularly scheduled meetings are held the first Thursday each month, 5pm at the CHS Media Center.

Each meeting has a public comment period at the beginning and end. Speakers are asked to limit comments to three minutes.

  • To offer public comment in-person: A sign-up sheet for speakers is available on the podium prior to the meeting.
  • To offer public comment virtually: Utilize the Zoom link posted in the meeting notice.

Watch Meeting Recordings 

There are three ways to watch recordings of meetings:

Read Agendas, Minutes, and “Mini Minutes”

Read agendas and minutes on the Electronic School Board website.

Additionally, “Mini Minutes” provide a quick summary of important takeaways from meetings. Mini-Minutes will be sent out in the division’s monthly News & Highlights following the regular monthly board meetings. To receive these monthly messages, subscribe here. (Staff and Cville Schools families automatically receive these messages via ParentSquare.)

Contact the Board

Residents can contact the Board via email at, by calling the Office of the School Board at (434) 245-2400, or via letter:

Charlottesville City School Board
1562 Dairy Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Please be aware that for records retention purposes, messages sent to the School Board will also be sent to the Clerk to the Board.