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Charlottesville City Schools

Parental Involvement

Parental Responsibilities and Family Engagement

Charlottesville City Schools recognizes that the education of each student is a responsibility shared by the school and the family. Although a Parental Involvement Policy is required for only the schools designated as Title I schools, the school division has Parental Involvement goals for each school.

To increase parental involvement, CCS will:

  • Provide activities that educate parents regarding intellectual and development needs of children. The activities are also designed to increase parenting skills and provide additional information about child/adolescent development.
  • Implement strategies to involve parents in the educational progress.
  • Enable families to participate in the education of their children in a variety of ways.
  • Provide opportunities for teachers and staff to enhance their understanding of effective parental involvement strategies.
  • Inform parents of students eligible for Limited English Program (LEP) programs of how they may be active participants in assisting their children.

Each Title I school will create parental involvement plans to include these activities and to meet additional requirements in the Parental Involvement Policy not listed in this publication.

Parent Responsibility Law

Parents and child walking home from schoolParents and guardians are extremely important to the educational success of students. All parents/guardians are encouraged to be actively involved in the educational program of students in Charlottesville City Schools. The Commonwealth of Virginia has recognized the importance of parents/guardians and has developed the Parent Responsibility Law (Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 22.1-279.3.) Included in the law are several provisions designed to assist with the success of students:

  1. Principals may request parents to meet with the principal or designee to review the Code of Student Conduct and the parents’ responsibility to participate with the student’s discipline and behavior, school attendance or educational progress.
  2. Principals may notify parents of students who violate School Board policy or compulsory attendance requirements when the violation could result in a student’s suspension or removal from an activity. The notification must follow discipline procedures of the school division as detailed in the Code of Student Conduct.
  3. No suspended students shall be readmitted to school without the parent discussing improvement of the child’s behavior unless the principal determines that the readmission without the parent is appropriate.
  4. When principals request parental action and parents do not comply, the principal may file a petition with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. The procedure and consequences for noncompliance are outlined in the Parent Responsibility Law.

A complete copy of the Parent Responsibility Law may be found here. Questions about the Parent Responsibility Law should be directed to the principal or the Director of Student Services at 434-245-2400.