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Charlottesville City Schools


Going to school regularly matters for your student’s success and achievement! 

Tips for regular attendance

  • Make sure your student keeps a regular bedtime and morning routine.    
  • Ensure your student goes to school every day unless they are truly sick. 
  • Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.
  • Notify the school office each day your child will be absent.
  • Feel free to contact your school for support and resources, we are in this together!

Absences affect achievement 

Many factors can contribute to student absences. But absences add up quickly and directly impact your child’s success.

  • Students can still fall behind if they miss just one or two days every few weeks.
  • Missing 10 percent of the school year increases the chance that your student will not read or master math at the same level as their peers.
  • Students who are absent two or more days each school month achieve 25 percent lower than their fellow students.
  • By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school
  • By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
  • As few as 5 absences in high school can drop a student’s GPA by 25%.

Expect More Communication About Absences!
Charlottesville Schools is strengthening support for students with attendance issues. Families can expect more frequent and more personalized communications if their student begins to accrue absences. 

Illustration of a blank calendar grid 

Virginia’s “compulsory attendance” law requires the parents  and guardians of children age 5 (by September 30) through 18 to ensure their child’s regular daily attendance for the entire school day. It also is their responsibility to seek home-bound instruction when children are absent from school because of extended periods of illness.


Compulsory Attendance and School Support for Attendance

Charlottesville City Schools support regular attendance by providing the services of attendance counselors, social workers, and school nurses to assist parents in finding solutions to attendance and/or medical problems. The attendance counselors are authorized and required to file petitions in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court to obtain compliance with the school attendance laws.

Click here for links to:

Excused Absences

By providing written proof, students may be excused for the following:

  • Personal illness or illness in the immediate family (if over two days, the school may require a note from a licensed healthcare provider)
  • Medical or dental appointment
  • Court appearance
  • Death in the family
  • Religious holiday or instruction
  • Extenuating circumstances, which may include absence(s) for non-school division related activities, as determined by the school administration
  • An absence from school resulting from a suspension or expulsion
  • For middle and high school students, one school day per school year to engage in a civic event

NOTE: Buford and CHS families should also consult the Buford or CHS student handbook for school-specific attendance policies and procedures.

When to Keep a Child Home for Illness

For guidance about when to keep a child home for illness, click here.

Reporting Absences

  • Parents or guardians should contact the school as soon as possible with a call, email, or note.
  • NEW: You can also reply to the attendance notifications you receive from ParentSquare. Click “Send Note to School,” enter the reason for the absence, and click “Submit.”
  • Once you have called, you will not receive notifications from the school.
  • For extended absences, additional documentation may be required.

Returning to School

When the Student Returns to School:

  • If the parent or guardian didn’t previously report the absence, please send a signed note containing the date(s) and reason(s) for the absence. In some cases such as an extended absence, further documentation may be required.
  • Students are responsible for requesting assignments immediately upon their return to school and must complete make-up work within the time period assigned by the teachers.
  • For excused absences, teachers must provide assignments, tests and other work missed, and schedule a reasonable time period for their completion. Make-up work completed on time will be graded on the same basis as other work. Make-up credit will be given when absences are excused.
  • For information about returning from an extended illness or injury, click here.

Absence from Class/Early Dismissal

  • If students need to leave school early, a parent or guardian should sign them out (or give prior permission). A child who attends school part of the day is considered present for the day. However, students who leave early without permission will be marked unexcused for the class periods they miss.
  • All students must maintain a full-day schedule of classes unless they have a waiver for a bona fide work program or have an  Individualized Education Plan, or an approved senior release plan.  Parents or guardians of students who wish to apply for waivers should make a request to the principal in writing.


Students are expected to arrive at school and attend all classes on time daily. Students are tardy when they do not cross the threshold of the instructional area before the tardy bell rings. Excessive and unexcused tardiness to school or class creates a serious interruption of the orderly learning process, and corrective action will be taken. Students arriving late to school must be signed in by parents or guardians, or present notes signed by parents or guardians stating the reason for the delay.

Home Instruction

For procedures and information regarding home instruction, click here.