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Charlottesville City Schools

Community Partners

Community Partners

Our community partners include the the Public Education Foundation, the University of Virginia, Monticello, the Paramount Theater, City Schoolyard Garden, the Local Food Hub, the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, Wildrock, and the list goes on.  Charlottesville is a great place to learn!

Cultivate Charlottesville

For more than 10 years, Charlottesville City Schools has partnered with Cultivate Charlottesville to connect our students with how their food is grown. This partnership includes...

  • Schoolyard garden at each school, including collaboration with urban farming classes at Buford and CHS
  • Farm to Schools Weeks in fall and spring
  • Harvest of the Month
  • Student-led Nutrition Committee Meetings
  • Summer Food Justice Internships for CHS students

Cultivate Charlottesville Website

Students Engaged in Gardening Activity

Books on Bikes logo

Books on Bikes

Books on Bikes is a community outreach and literacy program created by Charlottesvill​e City School librarians and teachers to bring books to children in Charlottesvill​e. We hope to not only bring books and a love of reading to the children of Charlottesvill​e, but also develop a relationship between Charlottesvill​e residents and the local school community.

Books on Bikes has spread to other chapters and has earned media coverage as far away as New Zealand!

Books on Bikes Website