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Charlottesville City Schools

Acceptable Technology Use Agreement

Acceptable Use of Technology (AUP) Agreement

acceptable use image

Charlottesville City Schools provides students and staff with technology such as Chromebooks, computers, internet access, and education-related software. All users agree to support the division’s policy for the Acceptable Use of Technology (AUP). They agree to this when logging in and as part of annual forms such as student registration or re-registration. Read on for brief “highlights” of the AUP or find the full agreement, below.

Highlights of the Acceptable Use Agreement for Students and Staff



As students sign onto their Chromebook each day, they agree to the following as part of the log-in process:


Find the full acceptable use agreement, below.



By signing into this computer and school internet, I agree that:

  • I will use this computer (and school software and networks) responsibly and for school purposes. 
  • I know that info on this computer (including email) is NOT private (it’s a school computer and we are a public agency).
  • I will not attempt to bypass security measures or gain access to unauthorized resources   
  • I will not use CCS computers (or ParentSquare, my email address, or family/student email addresses given to CCS) to distribute non-CCS information

Find the full acceptable use agreement, below.

Charlottesville City Schools Acceptable Technology Use Agreement (AUP)

Charlottesville City Schools provides a computer system, including the internet, to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication.

All use of Charlottesville City Schools’ computer system must be (1) in support of  education and/or research, or (2) for legitimate school business. Use of the computer system is a  privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use may result in cancellation of those privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action.

Any communication or material generated using the  computer system, including electronic mail, social media posts, instant or text messages, tweets,  and other files, including communications and materials deleted from a user’s account, may be  monitored, read, and/or archived by division staff. 

This policy applies to all users of the division’s computer system. By using or accessing  the computer system, the user agrees to abide by this Policy and the Technology Use Guidelines established by the superintendent.  In the registration or re-registration paperwork at the start of each year, parents/guardians are asked to read and support this policy. Students agree to this policy as part of their initial sign-on process when logging into their assigned devices.

  • This agreement supports School Board personnel and instruction policies. Please review policy GAB/IIBEA and its associated regulation online.


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Authorized users
Prohibited Acts
Use of Cloud Hosted Services
Return of Equipment

Authorized users will:

  • Use CCS technology resources in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, laws that govern copyright and intellectual property.
  • Follow copyright law and avoid words or images that are pornographic, obscene, graphically, violent or vulgar when downloading, uploading, or importing music, images or videos on district­owned technology during or outside of school hours.
  • Adhere to guidelines each time the Internet is used at school and at home on CCS provided hardware.
  • Use CCS technology resources responsibly and with respect for others.
  • Bring a fully charged computer device to school daily as well as electronic media and files required for class.
  • Leave computers, keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, and other peripherals unaltered and in good working condition.
  • Be held financially responsible for lost, stolen and/or damaged technology. Assignment of fees will be based on the approved fee schedule.
  • Use only assigned accounts and passwords (where applicable)and take appropriate precautions to safeguard account or password information and prevent the use of assigned accounts and passwords by others.
  • Report any security problem or breach to a teacher or administrator immediately.
  • Maintain the security and functionality of all CCS technology resources.
  • Maintain the confidentiality and security of protected information.
  • Use student images, likenesses, or voice recordings in digital format in accordance with guidelines.
  • Access, modify, or delete another user’s data only after receiving appropriate permission.
  • Use only software that has been legally obtained, licensed, and authorized for use on CCS computers.
  • Return  all issued property prior to leaving the district or as part of the computer collection programs including but not limited to all peripherals, charger & power cords, stylus, carrying case, mice, and keyboard.
  • With teacher and/or administrator approval, students may play games.
  • (staff) Use appropriate judgment and caution in communications concerning students and staff to ensure that personally identifiable information remains confidential.

Prohibited Acts:

  • Using technology for any illegal purpose;
  • Creating unauthorized networks of any kind;
  • Downloading, uploading, importing, or intentionally viewing material that promotes the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, pornography, or illegal and/or violent behavior;
  • Introducing non-approved software, hardware, or resources into the CCS network or clients.  Approval can be sought through the Department of Technology. 
  • Saving, transferring, or loading non-school related material on a school file server;
  • Running software applications from a USB device.
  • The school division will:

    • Provide access to technology resources for students, staff, and other authorized users who have agreed to abide by the terms of this policy.
    • Provide instruction on proper use of technology resources and internet safety for all authorized users.
    • Implement and monitor Internet Safety instruction and curriculum within the division’s instructional program to meet all federal and state mandates. All students and staff will receive instruction in Internet Safety including the following topics: personal safety, cyber bullying, cyber security, intellectual property, copyright, and networking etiquette.
    • Supervise and monitor student use of the Internet and make an effort to ensure that students access sites with only age-­ and topic-­appropriate materials. Specifically,
      • Elementary (K–4) staff will make an effort to bookmark sites or use portals to direct students to preselected Internet sites and online activity will be monitored.
      • Upper Elementary (5–6) staff will model skills needed to search for information within an area of study, filter information for credibility and worth, and recognize inappropriate information sources or sites. Teachers will explore Internet sites before directing students to those sites.
      • Middle School (7–8) staff will supervise student­ initiated information search activities and provide support as students begin to assume responsibility for becoming independent users of the Internet.
      • High School (9–12) staff will advise students as they participate in independent Internet use.
    • Employ technology protection measures to comply with federal and state mandates to filter or block materials deemed to be harmful to juveniles.
    • Provide access to technology resources that allow authorized users to create and post web pages on the CCS network and the Internet. All such web content must follow CCS Web Policy and Regulations EGAAAA­R. All employees and students shall follow the requirements and responsibilities for the development and use websites and materials described in Policy EGAAAA: Management of School Division Website.
    • Provide access to electronic mail for all staff members. Students may be issued individual electronic mail accounts as part of specific instructional programs and initiatives? students should only access electronic mail through a teacher supervised class account.
    • Monitor CCS­-issued student computer devices within the CCS network to determine appropriate use during the instructional day.
    • Monitor the use of CCS technology resources, including electronic mail communications and access to the Internet, in order to provide an acceptable level of service to all authorized users and to enforce the terms of this policy.
    • Leverage technology and/or services to aid in locating and recovering technology that has been reported lost or stolen.

Use of Cloud Hosted Services

Charlottesville City Schools utilize cloud based products to achieve educational goals. Using these tools, students and staff collaboratively create, edit and share files and websites for school related projects and communicate with other students and staff members. These services are entirely online and available 24/7 from any Internet­connected computer. Examples of student use include showcasing class projects, building an electronic portfolio of school learning experiences, and working in small groups on presentations to share with others.

The use of web­based products in Charlottesville City Schools is governed by federal laws including:

  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
    COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under 13. By default, Charlottesville City School’s use of cloud based services uses services where advertising is turned off and no personal student information is collected for commercial purposes. This agreement acknowledges that the school will act as an agent for parents in the collection of information within the school context as it applies to cloud based products used in the educational context. The school’s use of student information is solely for education purposes.
    (COPPA –
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    FERPA protects the privacy of student education records and gives parents the rights to review student records. Under FERPA, schools may disclose directory information but parents may request the school not disclose this information.
    (FERPA –

Under FERPA and corresponding Virginia law, a student’s education records are protected from disclosure to third parties. This agreement is intended as notification that education records stored in cloud services partner domains may be accessible to someone other than the student, staff member, or CCS staff by virtue of this online environment.

This agreement indicates consent to allow student and/or staff education records to be stored by CCS third party vendors providing cloud based services and solutions.

Any violations of this agreement or problems with any CCS technology resource shall be reported to a teacher, administrator, or other appropriate source. CCS reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time and to enforce such amendments after giving notice of such amendments.

Violations of these items may result in disciplinary action and may also result in criminal charges if the violation is also a violation of Federal, State, or local law or ordinance. Examples of such dual violations are computer hacking or trespassing, harassment, threat, or cyber bullying via a CCS computer, and computer fraud (See title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia). Ignorance of these regulations will not excuse the infraction. Where Virginia law is violated, legal actions may be taken.

Return of Equipment

Failure to return the CCS­issued computer and peripherals in accordance with the stated condition may result in prosecution for all applicable crimes to include, but not limited to grand larceny. Users will be held financially responsible for lost, stolen and/or damaged technology. Assignment of fees will be based on the approved fee schedule.