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Charlottesville City Schools

Strategic Plan

2028 Cville Schools Strategic Plan

The Charlottesville City Schools 2028 Strategic Plan takes equity work that began in 2018 and embeds it into our ongoing strategy as a division. It is designed to hold our school system accountable to our vision that we can become a community where everyone can achieve their full potential.

On this page you can watch the video overview, view the full plan, and explore the Data Dashboard.

Strategic Plan Dashboard

The strategic plan dashboard is an online platform that provides information on our community's progress. Click on any of the priority areas below to view the specific targets for each area. To explore each target and its measurement, use the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.

Strategic Plan 2023-28 Development Process


  • November 2022: Request for Proposal for Development of Strategic Plan 2023-2028 (See slides here)
  • January – February 2023: Hiring of Insight Education Group, Overview of Plan Development Process (See slides here). 
  • March – April 2023: public feedback (survey, committee meetings); convening of Steering Committee
    • Thank you to the 1,173 members of our community who participated in our stakeholder survey. Results from this survey inform the creation of the draft plan.
  • April – May 2023: review public feedback, draft plan (committee meetings, focus groups, Board work session)
  • June 27, 2023: Plan presented to Board
  • August 3, 2023: Board approves plan
  • August 2023: Start implementation