Charlottesville City Schools maintains a confidential educational record for each student who is enrolled in the school division. Schools collect, store and destroy official academic and school-related health information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Guidelines for the Management of the Student’s Scholastic Record in Virginia Public Schools. The content of a scholastic record is limited to data needed by the school to assist the student in his/her personal, social, educational, and vocational development, and there are restrictions regarding access to the information.
Charlottesville City Schools’ Policy on Student Records (Policy JO) outlines what information is collected for students records and how that information is managed within the school system. View the policy or click on the topics below to learn more.
Families and students 18 and older have federally protected rights with respect to education records. To learn more about these FERPA rights, see this guide for parents and students.
Families and students 18 and older have federally protected rights with respect to education records. To learn more about these FERPA rights, see the US Department of Educatin’s guide for parents and students.
See “Special Education Records” to see what’s contained in those files. See “Directory Information” to see what information can be publicly released without notification for uses such as sports rosters or to celebrate a student’s accomplishments in the media, etc.
Special Education Records include:
While student records are confidential, each school division has the right to designate some information as Directory Information, and this information may be distributed as needed without parental consent. Examples of the use of this information could be athletic rosters, agendas or programs for school events, yearbook and newspapers. A parent/guardian may request in writing that the Directory Information not be released for any purpose. For more information, contact the Community Relations Liaison at 245-2962.
Charlottesville City Schools has designated the following information as Directory Information, which may be shared without written notice from the parent/guardian:
School Family Directories
In the annual registration or re-registration forms, families are asked if they want to be listed in directories compiled and distributed by their school’s Parent Teacher Organization. For questions, please contact your school.
At Charlottesville City Schools, we celebrate our students’ activities and accomplishments in our own publications and in the media. In the annual registration or re-registration forms, parents/guardians can set limits on how we use your child’s image or other information. Per federal law, unless parents opt out, the schools can release so-called “directory information” (see above) or exemplary school work in public communications to celebrate students’ accomplishments.
Details about Using Your Child’s Photo, Video, or Art and Schoolwork:
Release of data from student records is made in accordance with Regulation JO of the Charlottesville City Schools and in accordance with Guidelines for Management of the Student’s Scholastic Record in Virginia Public Schools.
Charlottesville High School will comply with the federal statute about releasing names, addresses and telephone numbers of secondary students to all military recruiters or institutions of higher education that request them unless the parent/guardian specifically requests that this information not be released. Parents/guardians of high school students give or withhold this permission in the annual registration or re-registration forms.
All educational records are maintained confidentially. They are filed in a central location accessible to professional personnel within the school and/or personnel with division-wide responsibilities who have a legitimate educational interest in the student. All educational records are located in the office of the school the student currently attends. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for the collection of data, record maintenance and security, and disclosure of information from the records of students who attend school.
The PPRA allows parents and students who are 18 years old or emancipated minors (eligible students) certain rights regarding conducting surveys, the collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams by Charlottesville City Schools. To see Charlottesville City Schools’ policy about surveys, see Policy JOB.
See also: Scholastic Records
A. Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one of more of the following protected areas if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education:
B. Ability to have a child opt out of the following: