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Charlottesville City Schools

Community Relations

The Office of Community Relations

Supporting student achievement by sustaining a strong relationship between the school and the community.

Resources for Cville Schools Families

Resources for Cville Schools Staff

  • Staff emails: Periodic updates sent year-round include important announcements from the superintendent, human resources, finance, and operations. 
  • Media relations support: We coordinate all schools-related media appearances for staff. We also offer media training. 
  • Professional learning: Courses offered semi-annually for skill-building on different communications tools like ParentSquare and social media. 
  • Communications support: Our office can supply approved Cville Schools images, logos, and videography

Resources for the Community

  • Media Relations: The Office of Community Relations is the first point of contact for inquiries from the media about Charlottesville City Schools. We can connect reporters with experts within our staff, assist news crews with filming/photographing on campus, assist media outlets with covering open-press events and provide advisories, statements, photos or news stories. For all media inquiries, contact Beth Cheuk and Amanda Korman. 
  • FOIA: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request form can be accessed here.
  • Flyers: We get many requests to send home flyers, and as a division, our policy is to reserve backpack distribution of flyers to programs sponsored by our school division and/or the City of Charlottesville. (We make a few exceptions in cases where the program is a nonprofit which both has no paid staff and offers meaningful scholarships.) To request flyer approval, email
  • Community Newsletters: Community members who want to learn updates and good news about our schools can subscribe for newsletters such as our monthly News & Highlights, CHS Athletics & Activities, and more.
  • Weather-Related School Delays & Closures: Community members, partners, and organizations who wish to receive notifications about weather-related delays or closures that impact Charlottesville City Schools can subscribe here.

Contact Us

Beth Cheuk

Beth Cheuk
Supervisor of Community Relations
(434) 245-2962

Amanda Korman

Amanda Korman
Community Relations Coordinator
(434) 245-2955

Awards & Honors

NSPRA 2023 Gold Medallion

Cville Schools Wins NSPRA Gold Medallion

Our Office of Community Relations won the top honor for school PR, the Gold Medallion, in the category of Public Engagement/Parental Involvement Campaign. The award-winning entry was “Cville Kids Walk to School: A Small-City Transportation Transformation.” 

View the Campaign