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Charlottesville City Schools

Literacy, Language Arts, and English

Literacy, Language Arts, and English

At Charlottesville City Schools. we believe literacy is a civil right that has the power to create equitable outcomes for every student.

To achieve this, we will:

  • Ensure equitable opportunities for all students to do the cognitive work of each lesson and receive targeted support as needed 
  • Build a strong foundation in oral language and word recognition through explicit instruction so that students can make meaning of and understand grade-level, complex text
  • Provide all students strong literacy instruction with a vertically aligned PreK-12 scope and sequence rooted in science-based reading research
  • Increase the instructional capacity of every teacher and leader through sustained professional learning aligned to Science of Reading and Evidence Based Literacy Instruction 

Maelys Croce teaching phonics to first grade

2024-25 Division Literacy Plan

Course Offerings

Looking for course offerings for grades 5-12? See “English” in our Program of Studies

Program of Study


Click here for a variety of resources provided by the Virginia Literacy Partnership (VLP)

Lexia for Grades K-8

Charlottesville City Schools recently received a Virginia Learning Accelerated Grant from the Virginia Department of Education which will allow us to provide access to a literacy tool called Lexia for ALL students in K-8. Students will be able to use Lexia at school and home to practice reading skills.

How to Log In

Go to the Cville Schools Clever Login Page and log in with Google (your child will know how to do this). See the attached flyer from the Virginia Department of Education for "How to Access Lexia® Programs with Clever." You can also visit the Clever login page and search by school.)

What is VALLSS?
Kindergarten through Grade 3 students in Virginia take an early reading screener: Virginia Language & Literacy Screening System (VALLSS). 

VALLSS is designed to show a child’s level of risk for developing reading difficulties and provide teachers with information to plan instruction. VALLSS replaces the previous PALS screener. 

How do I read my child’s VALLSS Student Summary Report?

Band of Risk for Developing Reading Difficulties

Your child’s Band of Risk is noted at the top of the Student Summary report. The three possible Bands of Risk are high risk, moderate risk, and low risk. These bands are calculated based on student scores across the code-based subtests.

If your child’s Band of Risk is high, this indicates that your child is at high risk for developing reading difficulty. Students at high risk are required to receive additional reading intervention and a Student Reading Plan.  The Student Reading Plan will be sent to you separately.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school Reading Specialist or classroom teacher. 

If your child’s Band of Risk is moderate or low, your child is not identified to receive intervention. However, your child’s individual subtest scores may still indicate that your child needs extra instruction in some reading skills.

What does VALLSS measure?
A table outlining the VALLSS subtests for grades K-3, which measure various aspects of language and literacy skills.

Reading Specialists

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of reading specialists by viewing the Reading Specialist job description

* indicates staff who hold an endorsement as a reading specialist



Julie Steele*, Liza Taylor*, Carol Schuster




Amy Sykes*, Liz Jones*




Laura Lindemann and Jen Snyder*




Adele LaFontaine*, Tracy Weaver*, and Kristen Wray




Lindsay Kamide*, Jenny Tipton*, and Cordelia Wilson*




Trish Suchoski*




Marguerite Matics*, Jessica Taylor*, and Michele Yeaton*




Shannon Cloud*, Jordan Buckrop*


CHS: 434-245-2410  | LMA: 434-245-2406

Carly Dirghangi, Audrey Scott, Justin Stipanovich

Dyslexia Advisors

Stacy Reedal

Stacy Reedal

Marguerite Matics
Marguerite Matics

Kaylin Bryce

Kaylin Bryce

Point of Contact for Families:

Stacy Reedal, PreK-12 Literacy Coordinator

Kaylin Bryce, Secondary Literacy Lead