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Charlottesville City Schools

Special Enrollment (Homeless, Undocumented)

Special Enrollment Situations

Group of young students at recital Federal and state laws provide for the rights of homeless students and undocumented school-age children (without United States citizenship or a student visa). When possible, students are allowed to attend the same school that he/she attended prior to being identified as homeless. For children registering under kinship care provisions, a notarized affidavit is required, as well as verification from the Department of Social Services. Questions about these situations should be addressed to the Director of Student Services at 434-245-2405.

Homeless Students

Charlottesville City Schools offers programs for students who are identified as homeless according to the McKinney-Vento Law. When possible, students are allowed to attend the same school that he/she attended prior to being identified as homeless. Each school has a manual for the registration of students who may be experiencing homelessness and the procedures to be followed. See Policy JECA (Admission of homeless children). If your child  may qualify for services under the homeless program, contact the school principal or the Homeless Liaison at (434) 245-2405.