As our world becomes smaller, an understanding of other cultures is increasingly important. At Charlottesville City Schools, we have a wide variety of language programs, whether they are designed to teach Mandarin to a native English-speaker or English to a native Mandarin-speaker.
Why World Languages?
World language courses are electives for students who wish to expand their horizons by learning another language. To meet the requirements of the Advanced Studies Diploma, students need to complete three years of one world language or two years each of two world languages. World language is also an entrance requirement for many colleges and universities.
Our World Languages students and staff have a strong track record of earning international travel fellowships via the U.S. State Department and other programs.
World Languages Offered
Students have increasing choices as they move through Charlottesville City Schools. To see detailed information about our offerings, consult the “World Languages” section of our Program of Studies. Your school counselor or a world languages teacher can also answer questions.
To Learn More
Dr. Alicen Brown
(434) 245-2826