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Charlottesville City Schools


Opportunities for Parents, Community Members, and Students

volunteer poster


Thank you so much for your willingness to donate your time and energy to the students of Charlottesville City Schools.  We sincerely appreciate your dedication to our students and our schools and look forward to working with you.  By lending your services, you help forward our mission of being an interconnected, equity-focused school community committed to providing the skills and knowledge needed for lifelong learning, engaged citizenship, and personal fulfillment. Through your active involvement in CCS, you contribute to both teaching and learning, and you demonstrate the value of giving back. Thank you so much for committing to our young people and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Volunteers vs Visitors

Who is a Visitor, and Who is a Volunteer?

We welcome both to our schools. Volunteers require training (see below).


  • Come to the schools as observers of school events or to attend a meeting.
  • Often visit only their own teacher or their own child.
  • Typically come for a short period of time.
  • Often only come to the school office, a meeting room, or a school celebration.
  • Do not require training.



  • Come to the school in the role of helper. They receive an assigned task.
  • Often work with small groups of students.
  • Can help at a one-time event or may come help regularly.
  • May work throughout the school, campus, or on field trips.
  • Complete online training & registration form (and for level 2 volunteers, complete a background check).

Ways to Volunteer


Visitors are welcome to visit the school of their choice and do not have to complete training.  Even so, all visitors are expected to act in a manner consistent with School Board polices and regulations for conduct.  Visitors must enter our buildings through the main entrance, sign in at the school’s front office, and present a government-issued photo identification every time they visit. Examples of visiitors are those who visit the school in a limited capacity such as dropping an item off at the main office, participating in a parent/teacher conference, or attending a school-wide morning meeting.

Level 1 Volunteers:

Level 1 volunteers are those who help at the school once or in an ongoing way for a school-sponsored event or activity.  Examples of level one volunteers are those who would like to serve as a teacher's aide, classroom helper, chaperone a day field trip, volunteer to help during a school event or activity, help with resource time, recess or dismissal, or act as a tutor or mentor for our students.  All of this work should be done under the supervision of a CCS staff member.  Level 1 volunteers watch our online training and complete the volunteer registration form (see below). 

Level 2 Volunteers:

Level two volunteers are those who may supervise or monitor students without needing the supervision of a staff member.  Examples of these volunteers are volunteer coaches and those who plan on chaperoning overnight field trips.  In addition to watching the online training and completing the registration form, Level 2 volunteers are required to complete a background check and the sex offender registry check.  This process can take up to six weeks (see registration form).  Individuals cannot serve as Level 2 volunteers until background clearance is received.  

Volunteer Training

Who should complete the Volunteer Training Process?

Anyone interested in being a Level 1 or Level 2 Volunteer should complete the  online training and registration form.  Visitors do not need to complete the training or registration form.  Current CCS Employees do not need to complete the training.

Here is our process to volunteer:

Step 1: Watch the Cville Schools Volunteer Training Video which covers information in the CCS Volunteer Handbook.

Step 2: Watch the VDOE Recognizing Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect video (highly recommended) CCS Child Abuse & Neglect Policy

Step 3: Complete the Cville Schools Volunteer Application Registration Form

How long does it take to complete the volunteer process?

Once you complete the three steps, applicants will receive an email confirmation upon approval.  You cannot volunteer or provide services in any capacity until this notice is received.  Volunteer status is good for the remainder of the academic year.  

  • For Level 1 volunteers, it can take up to 2 weeks for processing.
  • For Leve 2 volunteers, the background check can take up to 6 weeks.

Non-Classroom Opportunities

  • The Adult Learning Center welcomes volunteers to assist with GED and ESL classes. Contact the Adult Learning Center at 245-2815 for information.

Student Volunteers

  • Different schools also organize service activities through clubs and classroom activities. Check with your school to learn more about ways to get involved.