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Charlottesville City Schools

Home Instruction / Homeschool Information

Home InstructionVirginia’s “compulsory attendance” law requires the parents  and guardians of children age 5 (by September 30) through 18 to ensure their child’s regular daily attendance for the entire school day.  Home instruction or homeschooling is one alternative to school attendance and parents may home school when the requirements of § 22.1-254.1 of the Code have been satisfied.

  • Annual Process for Home Instruction

    Step 1: Submit a Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction (NOI) via mail, fax (245-2603), Email (, or by dropping it off in person to Patrick Farrell, Intervention and Support Supervisor at the Division Annex at CHS, 1400 Melbourne Road, Charlottesville. This must be submitted by August 15 of each school year. Please attach required documentation for the eligibility qualifications for the home school instructor (high school diploma, teaching license, etc.)

    Step 2: If you selected “Part-Time Home Instruction” (in which your child receives some instruction at home and some at school), then please complete “Application for Non-Public School Selective Enrollment.”

    Step 3: Submit a description of the curriculum that the student will be taking. This could include a list of courses being instructed by the parent, an enrollment letter from a correspondence or virtual school, acceptance letter/course schedule from a private school, or other information listing the subjects or describing the course of studies the child(ren) will be learning. Be sure to include your student’s name on the paperwork.

    Step 4: Submit progress information at the end of the school year. Certification of progress must be received by August 1 of each school year. A letter, test scores, a transcript from a community college, or other documentation will satisfy this requirement.

  • Discontinuing Home Instruction

    • If you discontinue home instruction  (i.e. you move or enroll the child in school), please notify this office by notifying Mr. Farrell and, if necessary, registering your child in Charlottesville City Schools.
  • Important Notices

    1. If you were out of compliance due to missing components or failure to show adequate progress, your student may be considered truant.
    2. Information about AP Exams, PSAT/NMSQT Examns, PreACT Exams

Further Information

Mr. Patrick Farrell
Intervention and Support Supervisor
1562 Dairy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903