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Charlottesville City Schools

Art Galleries and Unfinished Jigsaw Anthology

Unfinished Jigsaw Anthology

The Unfinished Jigsaw is an anthology of literary and art work by students in Charlottesville City Schools

Each year, teachers at each school help collect samples of student writing for the publication, and art teachers at each school select student works to complement the literary pieces.

In 1979-80 the first edition of The Unfinished Jigsaw was published to showcase the literary talents of students from Charlottesville City Schools. It began as the final product of a poet-in-residence program led by Jason Bell.

Forty years later, this wonderful anthology seems as much a part of the spring for the city schools as blooming dogwoods, baseball practice, spring concerts, and the prom. The title for the publication came from the initial poem in the first issue containing the phrase, “my field [referring to the dimensions of her life] is an unfinished jigsaw puzzle with its missing pieces in sight, but out of reach.” (Karen Davis, CHS 1979). Another quote from the preface in the first issue states, “To read The Unfinished Jigsaw with an eye for perfection is to miss its significance. The value of the work lies in the students’ realization of their unique personal experiences and in the discovery of a medium for its expression.” (Stacy Boyle, Fine Arts Coordinator, 1979). 

Since then, Charlottesville City Schools expanded the publication to include student produced visual art in addition to literary work. Over the years this effort has involved thousands of students and hundreds of teachers and administrators. None of it would have been possible without a supportive School Board and Superintendent. There are many people to thank for the commitment over the years to producing.

The Unfinished Jigsaw is, in many ways, the signature of Charlottesville City Schools. Through this anthology, one can feel the excitement of students who are developing and becoming comfortable with their language and other abilities to give expression to their own ideas and imaginations. We invite you to hear their voices and find a piece of your own humanity reflected in their stories and expressions.

For More Information

Aaron Eichorst, Fine Arts Coordinator