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Charlottesville City Schools

Change of Residence

Four students lined up, each holding a containerHas your family moved? Notify your school!  

  • A student who changes residence during the school year to another attendance area in Charlottesville may be permitted to complete the school year in the school in which he/she was originally assigned with permission of the principal. The parent is responsible for transportation to and from school.

Charlottesville Residents – move within corporate limits

  • A student who changes residence during the school year to another attendance area in Charlottesville may be permitted to complete the school year in the school in which the student was originally assigned with permission of the principal. The parent is responsible for transportation to and from school.  If the student has attended the original school for at least three years, the student is eligible to complete their education at the original school, and the parent/guardian must provide transportation. If the student has attended the original school for less than three years, the student shall enroll in and attend the school serving the attendance zone in which the student resides at the beginning of the next school year.

Charlottesville Residents – move out of corporate limits

  • A student who moves during the school year to a residence outside of the corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville may continue to attend Charlottesville City Schools at no tuition charge for the remainder of the school year with approval of the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services. The parent is responsible for transportation to and from school. For continuing attendance beyond the first year, the family should apply for non-resident attendance annually.  The non-resident application is submitted to the school in which the student desires attendance.