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Charlottesville City Schools

Schedules and Course Selections

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The process for creating student schedules for next year begins in January with information sessions and conferences at CHS, Buford Middle, and Walker Upper Elementary. Students and their families are invited to attend these sessions to learn more about the Program of Study.

Counselors conduct individual meetings with students throughout January, February, and as needed, to discuss course selections. Once the master schedule is determined, the student schedules are finalized and can be accessed in PowerSchool in August.

  • In January, students and their families are encouraged to attend the Curriculum Fair at CHS where they can learn more about course offerings and ask questions.  Meanwhile, in January and February CHS school counselors lead group advising sessions and conduct individual student conferences during school hours to help students choose their courses for the following year. Log in to Power School to see teacher recommendations for core courses. Input from parents, teachers, and counselors are vital to this process. Students should talk with their teachers and families as they make decisions about their future courses.  Here is a video overview to help explain the course selection process.

    For a complete list of course selections available, please refer to the Program of Study. This document lists the available courses for next year. To ensure the best choice of courses, especially elective courses, all selections should be given the most thoughtful consideration. As the master schedule is designed around students’ choices early in the process, alternate courses may not be available at a later date.

    Once schedules are posted to the student’s PowerSchool account in August, teachers, students, and families with concerns about the courses scheduled may make appointments with CHS school counselors to make adjustments.

  • In January, rising ninth graders and their parents are encouraged to attend the Curriculum Fair at CHS where they can learn more and register for classes online. In February, CHS counselors visit Buford Middle School to present information to rising 9th grade students about their elective choices. A week later, the counselors return to Buford for individual conferences with students to select their courses.  In March, CHS hosts a parent night for rising ninth graders and their parents.

    • For a complete list of course selections available, please refer to the Program of Study.
  • Buford Middle School offers students grade-level, honors-level, and a wide array of electives for high school credit. Exploratory classes are also available options.

    Each January, the Buford principal and school counselor visit with current 6th graders at Walker Upper Elementary to explain the middle school schedule and electives. There is also a parent night at Buford where rising middle school students and parents can learn more.  6th graders work with their counselors at Walker to complete their schedules. In the spring, Walker counselors take the sixth graders on a tour of Buford Middle School to help with the transition.

  • Walker Upper Elementary School offers students grade-level, accelerated-level, and one language course for high school credit, Spanish I. Exploratory classes are also available for sixth grade students.

    Beginning in December, counselors offer a parent information meeting about Walker Upper Elementary School for all rising fifth grade students.  In January, Walker counselors visit each fourth grade classroom to give a classroom lesson about Walker.

    Meanwhile, current fifth grade student volunteers at Walker spend 12-14 weeks training to be peer mentors. These mentors learn about how to run small groups and address concerns that the rising fifth graders may have. They also write letters to each of their assigned mentees and send periodic videos to the fourth grade classrooms.

    In April, all fourth grade students visit Walker for a morning of fun with their assigned small groups led by a Walker peer mentor. That evening, rising fifth grade parents are invited to an open house and tour of Walker School.

  • Once accepted and enrolled at Charlottesville City Schools, non-resident students will have an opportunity to meet with a school counselor during the summer to make course selections.