For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
All adults are capable of learning and deserve a chance to further their education. Charlottesville City Schools partners with Piedmont Virginia Community College to provide area adults (18 and older) with the educational opportunities needed to be successful workers, parents, and community members. The program offers quality services at affordable cost to a diverse adult population.
A variety of morning and evening options are available in ESL, High School Flex (GED or NEDP), basic computer, and employability skills. Many classes are virtual (Zoom) and self-study distance learning. Click here to learn more about upcoming opportunities.
ESOL Programs at TJACE
Click here to learn more about ESOL Programs or email
To Learn More:
Program Coordinator: Carol Coffey
Tel: 434-961-5461
Fax: 434–961-5473