The Budget and Finance Department serves the school division by maintaining efficient, easy to use processes that allow staff, students, parents, and decision makers to obtain the information necessary to accomplish their goals. From budgeting to bill paying, risk management to record keeping, every activity that takes place in the school division depends on these processes to run smoothly.
For the 2024 fiscal year, the school system serves approximately 4,500 students in grades K-12, employs nearly 1,000 people, operates 13 facilities, and has a budget of $106.8 million dollars.
More Topics Relating To The Budget
Invoice Assistance
Requests for Proposals, Invitations for Bids and Notices of Intent
More details on the annual budget development process can be found here.
Slides from Budget Meetings
FY 2024 Budget Development
FY 2023 Budget Development Presentations (PDFs)
Budget Development Calendar