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Charlottesville City Schools

Need immediate help?

If you need to reach someone immediately for crisis support for your child and it is after-school hours or you do not get an immediate response from school staff, here are a list of community-based crisis supports:

  • Region Ten Emergency Services: 434-972-1800 (24 hr)            
  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (24 hr)
  • Region 1 Mobile Crisis Line: 1-800-970-5897 (M–F 12–7:30pm)
  • ReadyKids: 434-972-7233 (24 hour hotline)
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 (24 hr)
  • LGBTQ+ Youth Support Line/Side by Side: 1-888-644-4390 (Ages 14–20)

For an immediate crisis, call 911 or go to the hospital

About School Counseling and Mental Health in Charlottesville City Schools

Blue hand with heartCharlottesville City Schools is committed to supporting the wellbeing of our students and staff. 

  • We hire mental health professionals at a level that far exceeds state requirements and other schools’ averages. Our qualified counselors, social workers, student support liaisons, and psychologists are available to meet the needs of students and families. Please contact your counselor by calling your school or completing this form. School counselors may also have their own forms or scheduling systems; see school counseling pages, below.
  • We also work with Region Ten, other agencies, and local providers to make sure our students’ needs are being addressed.
  • We partner with Care Solace to provide free, confidential assistance making appointments for student, staff, and families who need assistance with mental health, substance abuse, and more. Visit the Care Solace website or call 888-515-0595.
  • Our teachers provide regular instruction in social-emotional learning and work to build a strong classroom community.

Contact Our School Mental Health Professionals

School Mental Health Supports


  • Counseling services are provided from primary to secondary educational settings. School counselors work in three areas: educational, personal/social, and career. The educational focus involves the knowledge of academic abilities and educational needs and interests. The personal/social involves the development of an awareness of self and others. The career domain involves the understanding of present and future life roles. These objectives are implemented through developmentally appropriate activities ranging from classroom activities; group counseling; school-wide mental health programs; individual counseling; consultation with parents/guardians, and school personnel; and coordination with community agencies. To learn more about the counseling program or materials used — or to limit your child’s participation in counseling programs, contact your school counselor.

For More Information

Mental Wellness Coordinator
Jodie Murphy