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Charlottesville City Schools

Student Rights & Responsibilities Home

The school division is required by the Code of Virginia to publish and distribute a Code of Student Conduct — now called the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” to all students and parents annually.

Student Rights and Responsibilities describes the expected behavior for various situations and possible consequences for when behavior standards are not met. It is a guide for parents, students, and educators, and all are required to sign an annual form (included in the back-to-school paperwork) to acknowledge their understanding and support of the Student Rights and Responsibilities.  Establishing and adhering to student conduct standards will help us create an environment conducive to high achievement for all.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Information about Discipline

All students should conduct themselves with respect – be responsible, safe, and prepared. State law, as well as district policies and regulations, authorize certain school officials to impose disciplinary measures. Officials follow clearly stated procedures set forth in the Student Rights and Responsibilities (see above), which is posted online and available at school offices. Information and links to the document are distributed to every student with online forms and an August mailing.

Discipline at Charlottesville City Schools takes place in a context of positive behavioral and academic supports.

Laws Regarding the Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults

School boards must provide information developed by the office of the Virginia Attorney General to students regarding laws governing the prosecution of juveniles as adults for the commission of certain crimes.

All adult convictions (i.e. from age 18 and up or juvenile charges treated as adult charges) stay on a person’s record for the rest of his/her life under Virginia law, and convictions on a criminal record can have serious negative impacts on their ability to get jobs and to generally pursue their goals in life.

For more information:

  • See the Virginia Office of the Attorney General’s  Laws Regarding the Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults.
  • For the Charlottesville City Schools Policy, see School Board Policy JFCL, Notification Regarding Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults., and its associate regulation, JFCL-R.
  • Learn more about Charlottesville Schools’ commitment to positive behavioral interventions and supports.