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Charlottesville City Schools

School Health Advisory Board

school health advisory board image

The School Health Advisory Board (SHAB) advises the Charlottesville City School Board in the development and evaluation of policies and programs that support the health and wellbeing of students, families, and school staff. The SHAB promotes and advocates for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to school health by:

  1. Identifying issues of concern,
  2. Reviewing potential solutions, and
  3. Promoting action.

For more information about the SHAB’s roles and responsibilities, please refer to the SHAB Bylaws or the hand-out on SHAB’s Roles.

Who is on SHAB?

SHAB members represent a broad section of the school and greater Charlottesville community, including health professionals, community agencies, parents, educators and students. SHAB has 20 members. Additionally, up to 5 liaisons from the school division and School Board participate in the work of the SHAB.

What is the Wellness Policy?

  • Recognizing the link between student health and learning, the Charlottesville City School Board adopted a set of goals to promote physical activity and healthy eating among Division students and staff.  The Wellness Policy (JHCF) and regulations (JHCF-R) include guidelines for how schools can provide a healthy environment in which students can learn and thrive.  To learn about how Charlottesville City Schools encourages physical fitness, see here.
  • Many of SHAB’s recommendations are incorporated into operations at Charlottesville City Schools through areas such as Nutrition Services.

How can you be involved?

Advocate in your school

  • Please take a look at the Wellness Policy to see how you can work with your school to make it an even healthier place for students, faculty, and staff.

Attend SHAB meetings

  • SHAB meetings are open to the public. SHAB usually meets on the second Tuesday of every other month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Division Administration Annex at the back of Charlottesville High School.
  • The 2021-22 dates are September 14, November 9, January 25 (rescheduled from January 11), March 8. and May 10. Meetings are tentatively scheduled to be virtual. To get the link or other details, contact Jessica Brantley.


  • SHAB accepts applications for new members in the spring of each year.
    • The School Health Advisory Board assists the Charlottesville City School Board in the development and evaluation of policies and programs that support the health and well being of students, families, and school staff by being an independent advocate for comprehensive and up-to-date health standards. SHAB members include a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 parents, health professionals, educators, students, and other community representatives.
    • Members serve three-year terms. The SHAB meets on the second Tuesday of September, November, January, March, and May from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the CHS Media Center. Standing committees include Wellness (W), Outreach (O) and Membership (M).
    • If interested in membership, you are encouraged to send in your application no later than August 31 for consideration.  If you are willing to serve as an ad hoc (non-voting) member, for the remainder of a current school year, you are welcome to send in your application at any time. Ad hoc members will need to update and resubmit their applications by August 31 for approval for full SHAB membership.

    All regularly scheduled SHAB meetings are open to the public.

    If you are interested in joining SHAB, please complete an application and submit it to:

    Jessica Brantley, Coordinator of Health and Physical Education
    1400 Melbourne Road
    Central Office #2
    Charlottesville, VA 22901
    Fax: 245-2604

To Learn More

Jessica Brantley, Coordinator of Health and Physical Education
1400 Melbourne Road
Central Office #2
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Fax: 245-2604