The School Health Advisory Board (SHAB) advises the Charlottesville City School Board in the development and evaluation of policies and programs that support the health and wellbeing of students, families, and school staff. The SHAB promotes and advocates for a coordinated and comprehensive approach to school health by:
For more information about the SHAB’s roles and responsibilities, please refer to the SHAB Bylaws or the hand-out on SHAB’s Roles.
SHAB members represent a broad section of the school and greater Charlottesville community, including health professionals, community agencies, parents, educators and students. SHAB has 20 members. Additionally, up to 5 liaisons from the school division and School Board participate in the work of the SHAB.
Advocate in your school
Attend SHAB meetings
All regularly scheduled SHAB meetings are open to the public.
If you are interested in joining SHAB, please complete an application and submit it to:
Jessica Brantley, Coordinator of Health and Physical Education
1400 Melbourne Road
Central Office #2
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Fax: 245-2604
Jessica Brantley, Coordinator of Health and Physical Education
1400 Melbourne Road
Central Office #2
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Fax: 245-2604