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Charlottesville City Schools

March 2016 News & Highlights

Superintendent Message

March 23, 2016

Dear families and community members,

Let’s take a moment to appreciate our teachers. Sure, you’ve liked some more than others. (Here’s a secret: They’ve liked some parents more than others, too!)  Setting aside our personal feelings at one moment or another, join me in a time of appreciation for the way our teachers go above and beyond the call of duty in their support of our children….

Quote Perhaps, as you’ll read below, they’ve started nonprofits to find volunteers to assist our international families, whether helping fill out paperwork or driving a child to a soccer game.  Others have hopped on a bike during summer break to deliver free books to children in underserved parts of Charlottesville.  Many have won awards or published scholarship or given presentations at conferences.  Some have hosted Google Tech conferences or written grants to offer cutting-edge programs such as this summer’s Cybercamp at CHS.

Teacher TheatreFrom time to time, they invited professors into their classrooms to do a science experiment or lead a writing workshop. This month, they have watched their students star in high school musicals or lacrosse games even though they haven’t taught those children since elementary school. This spring, twenty are attending evening Spanish classes so they can communicate better with their Hispanic students and families. You can read all this and more in these monthly Superintendent Messages.

I am so grateful to have such a dedicated, experienced, educated, respected, and talented faculty — and I am equally grateful for the ways that our parents and community partner with the schools for the benefit of all.

Rosa S. Atkins

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