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Charlottesville City Schools

Statement in Support of International Students

Statement from the School Board on our International Students

School Board Meeting

In the midst of our national conversation about immigrants and refugees, we, the Charlottesville City School Board, would like to affirm that we continue to support and value each of our students, regardless of race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, or more. Although our teachers, staff, students, and families vary tremendously in culture, life experiences, and perspectives, we are united in our goals of nurturing personal and academic excellence for all and creating a learning atmosphere of mutual respect.

Our students from around the world – whether here as immigrants, refugees, through international exchanges, or for other reasons – enrich the learning environment for all of us. We admire their perseverance in learning a new language and culture, building new friendships, and establishing new routines. Many of our international students have become school and community leaders, and all of them are models of resilience.

In Charlottesville, our students are diverse by every measure — economically, racially, ethnically, and politically, to name just a few – and we strive to learn from one another and to celebrate both the ways that we are different and the ways that we are alike. We commend our teachers and staff for their work in supporting all of our students. We thank our community for its support of our schools and our students.

–Charlottesville City School Board, February 2, 2017

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