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Archive: In-Person Agreement

Information and Agreement for In-Person Instruction

mask sanitizer and school supplies image

  • Please review our safety routines for in-person instruction for the 2022-23 school year (see below). An agreement to follow the schools’ COVID safety protocols is part of each student’s registration or re-registration form. Safety practices are subject to change according to guidance from groups like the CDC or according to new best practices.
  • If you have any questions about these routines and how they apply to your student(s), please check with your school.

New Safety Agreement for In-Person Instruction

CCS Health Screening poster

Click image to find the PDF of the Daily Health Screening Questions for Students

  1. I will do a daily health screening before my child leaves for school. The screening checks temperature plus other symptoms/ risk factors. See screening tool here.
  2.  If my child is showing symptoms, I will keep my child home until they have been seen by a health care provider or gotten tested. (If rapid test, the child should get tested twice, at least 24 hours apart.)
  3.  If my child displays symptoms at school, I will make arrangements for the child to be picked up/return home ASAP (within an hour).
  4.  I understand my child’s class, school, or even all Charlottesville City Schools may need to revert back to online learning for a period of time.
  5. By having my student participate in in-person learning, I am giving permission for the Blue Ridge Health Department (BRHD) and the schools to exchange information for contact tracing. (One example would be  BRHD notifying the schools if a student or student’s household member has been exposed/diagnosed with COVID, or vice versa.)

    Thanks for your partnership as we plan for a safe return to in-person instruction!


What to do in common COVID situations doc image

Click image to go to Google doc “What to do in common COVID situations,” a guide for families and staff.

Signing Your Agreement

Parents/guardians agree to these safety routines as part of the Registration forms (new students) and Re-Registration Forms (returning students).