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Charlottesville City Schools

CHS Continues to Outperform State & Nation on SAT

13 Students Recognized for High Performance on PSAT

Graph of 2017 CHS, VA and Nation mean SAT Scores for Reading/Writing and MathContinuing a long tradition, students at Charlottesville High School excelled on the SAT college-readiness test, far surpassing their state and national peers (see chart, right).  In addition, based on the related PSAT test taken last fall, 13 CHS seniors  were recognized as semi-finalists or received letters of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

  • Two National Merit Semifinalists: In the 63rd annual National Merit Scholarship Program, two CHS students are semifinalists: Steven Newman and Jonah Weissman.
    They are invited to apply to become finalists, eligible to receive National Merit Scholarships. Semifinalists represent less than the top 1-percent of U.S. seniors.
  • 11 National Merit Commended Students:  In the same National Merit program, 11 CHS students were named commended students, representing less than the top 5-percent of test-takers: Campbell Brickhouse, Owen Fernandez, Tilden Fernandez, Margaret Fitch, Emma Hale, Fre’ Halvorson-Taylor, Rachel Inlow, Charlotte MacDonald, James Nachbar, Risa Purow-Ruderman, and Roland Ryan.
  • 2017 CHS, State, and National Data for SAT:  In reading/writing, CHS earned a score of 599; the state received 560; and the US, 538 .  In math, the scores were CHS, 579; Virginia, 541; and US, 533.

“We are proud of our individual students and pleased with our school-wide success on this important college-readiness test,” notes Dr. Kendra King, Director of Student Services and Achievement.