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Charlottesville City Schools

Printed Calendar and Handbook

2024-25 Calendar CoverEach year, Charlottesville City Schools publishes a calendar featuring student artwork, key dates of division-wide importance, and practical information for the upcoming school year.

Calendars are mailed to registered families in August. Extra copies are available at each school. 

Full Text of Calendar for Translation

The print calendar is published in English. For families who would like the information in a translatable format, please use the full-text version below.

Message from the Superintendent


Dear Charlottesville Schools families,

Welcome back to school!

When I joined this community three years ago, one of the first things I spoke about was my belief in the power of collaboration — “We are Better Together.” As we start a new school year in Charlottesville, I want to emphasize that this isn’t just a slogan. I truly believe that we are family. And in my family, we get to know one another, celebrate each other’s successes, and hold one another up through our challenges. 

On the pages of this calendar you’ll find many opportunities to gather with your Cville Schools family. Many more ways to connect and celebrate your school can be found on your individual school’s Google calendar. And when you or your student needs a helping hand, remember you are not alone. Teachers, school leaders, and PTOs are eager to support you, as am I. Please don’t hesitate to reach out — an extra set of eyes and hands can make all the difference. Our strength lies in the power of collaboration.

This year, we are marking the 50th anniversary of Charlottesville High School. To my mind, 2024 is a perfect moment to honor the past, celebrate the present, and envision an even brighter future for this beloved institution. Coming off a spring of big sports wins, strong AP scores, and great graduates, Black Knight pride is in the air. And with a new principal in Dr. Justin Malone, we are moving forward strong. Visit for an updated list of events, tours, and other ways to participate in this golden anniversary.

Additionally, the new Charlottesville Middle School continues to be on track to open next fall — meaning this will be the last year of Buford Middle School. During this transition time, I particularly want to thank our current 8th graders, the Class of 2029, who will have spent their two years at Buford watching the construction of a new school they won’t get to attend. Their patience makes it possible for the next generation to enjoy a new chapter in middle school education in Charlottesville.

We are also entering the second year of our five-year Strategic Plan. Addressing disparities in student outcomes across race, ethnicity, and income is at the heart of this effort, and we have rigorous benchmarks that will ensure we truly “walk the talk.” There is good progress to report from year one, and I encourage you to follow along via

Wishing our students, staff, and families a year filled with learning and friendship,


Dr. Royal A. Gurley, Jr., Superintendent



Welcome Back to School

We are eager to welcome you back to school on Wednesday, August 14! This information is designed to help students and families get off to a great start this fall. For topics not covered in these pages, visit

About QR Codes

QR codes — the square barcodes throughout this calendar — give you quick access to different pages on our website. To use, open your smartphone or tablet’s camera or QR Code Reader app, and hold your device over the QR Code so that it is clearly visible on your screen. You will either be taken directly to the selected webpage, or you can follow the instructions that appear on your device. If the codes are too close together for your phone to read the right one, cover the other codes with a scrap of paper.

About this Calendar

We hope this calendar brings “news you can use,” including school holidays and other key dates. Dates/times are subject to change — check (and subscribe to) our Google calendars on our website. The included holidays are among those observed by Virginia, Charlottesville, or Cville Schools, and in every case, we indicate whether school is in session. Religious holidays are not shown, but we support family observances and advise schools not to schedule events on key religious and cultural dates.

Translation Traducción

Teachers and schools will send messages using the ParentSquare app. The app supports translation in more than 100 languages. To change the language of the app: From Home, click the menu bars in the upper right. Select My Account. Click Language and select your preferred language.

Si tiene preguntas acerca de las escuelas de Charlottesville, llame a nuestra línea telefónica en español al 434-245-2548. Un profesor de español le devolverá la llamada.


Getting Ready!

Find the latest back-to-school information at You can also find your child’s teacher assignments and schedules as soon as they are posted by logging into PowerSchool at Need login help? Call your school.

Re-Registering and Updating Your Child’s Records

If you have not re-registered each of your students, please log into your SchoolMint account. Need help? Find instructions by using the QR code, or call your school. Need to open a new SchoolMint account? You’ll need the ID number for each of your students, which you can find by logging into PowerSchool or checking the ParentSquare reminders about re-registering your child. (Or call your school for assistance.) Need to update your contact information later? You can call your school or report changes in ParentSquare.


Charlottesville City Schools & Programs

Charlottesville High School (9–12)

Dr. Justin Malone, Principal

1400 Melbourne Road 22901

Office (434) 245-2410; Attendance 245-2697;
Fax 245-2610

Buford Middle School (7–8)
and New Pathways Academy

Mr. Rodney Jordan, Principal

1000 Cherry Avenue 22903

(434) 245-2411; Fax 245-2611

Walker Upper Elementary (5–6)

Dr. Summerlyn Thompson, Principal

1564 Dairy Road 22903

(434) 245-2412; Fax 245-2612

Burnley-Moran Elementary (PreK–4)

Dr. Elizabeth Korab, Principal

1300 Long Street 22901

(434) 245-2413; Fax 245-2613

Greenbrier Elementary (PreK–4)

Ms. Dina Fricke, Principal

2228 Greenbrier Drive 22901

(434) 245-2415; Fax 288-0387

Jackson-Via Elementary (PreK–4)

Dr. Tara Bartlett, Principal

508 Harris Road 22903

(434) 245-2416; Fax 245-2616

Johnson Elementary (PreK–4)

Ms. Georgette Mickens, Principal

1645 Cherry Avenue 22903

(434) 245-2417; Fax 245-2617

Summit Elementary (PreK–4)
Note: Clark is now Summit Elementary!

Mrs. Carmella Johnson, Principal

1000 Belmont Avenue 22902

(434) 245-2414; Fax 245-2614

Trailblazer Elementary (PreK–4)
Note: Venable is now Trailblazer Elementary!

Ms. Chantel Beverly, Principal

406 14th Street NW 22903

(434) 245-2418; Fax 245-2618


Charlottesville Area Technical Education Center (CATEC)

Dr. Stacey Heltz, Principal

1000 East Rio Road 22901

(434) 245-2419

Hospital Education Program
at UVA Children’s Hospital

Mr. Eric Johnson, Principal

610 Kirtley Lane 22903

(434) 924-2658

Lugo-McGinness Academy

Dr. Lamont Trotter, Administrator

341 11th Street NW 22903

(434) 245-2406

WALK Program

Ms. Dianna Poe

1400 Melbourne Road 22901

(434) 245-2636

Student Transportation

Operated by Charlottesville City Transportation.

Call your school office.

Division Administration

1562 Dairy Road 22903 • (434) 245-2400

Division Administration Annex (at CHS):

1400 Melbourne Road 22901 • (434) 245-2405


Dr. Royal A. Gurley, Jr., Superintendent

Dr. Katina Otey, Chief Academic Officer

Ms. Kim Powell, Chief Operations Officer

Ms. Beth Cheuk, Supervisor of Community Relations 

Mr. Pat Cuomo, Director of Technology 

Ms. Renee Hoover, Director of Finance

Dr. Denise Johnson, Supervisor of Equity and Inclusion

Ms. Maria Lewis, Director of Human Resources

Ms. Rachel Rasnake, Director of Student Services 

Mrs. Carolyn Swift, Director of Assessment & Accountability

School Board Members


Clerk of the School Board: (434) 245-2944

Ms. Lisa Larson-Torres, Chair

Mr. Dom Morse, Vice-Chair

Ms. Amanda Burns

Ms. Shymora Cooper

Ms. Emily Dooley

Mr. Chris Meyer

Ms. Nicole Richardson


School Board meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month at 5pm. To find meeting details and documents, or to sign up for monthly notifications, visit Meetings can be watched on our
@CvilleSchools Facebook page and are later uploaded to our YouTube channel.


Staying in Touch

There are many ways to stay connected:

• Look for updates from your teachers, principals, and the school division through ParentSquare. Download the app for the best experience. See below for more. 

• Create a Canvas log-in to see your child’s online “classroom,” assignments, grades, and more. 

• Log into PowerSchool to see grades or check attendance. 

• Call or email your school.

• Check our website:

• Subscribe to our Google calendar. Go to

• Look for @CvilleSchools on social media.


ParentSquare App

We use ParentSquare for all our school-related communications. Looking for a message or reminder from your teacher, principal, or the school division? Check ParentSquare. Need to send a message to your teacher or another employee? Use the ParentSquare messaging feature. The ParentSquare app or website provides an easy way to scroll through all your school-related messages, keeping important information in one place (and in 100+ languages). ParentSquare will work without the app, but the app (or the web login) provides the best experience. Go to to learn more and find links to download the free app. 


Let’s get to school on time and ready to go! Regular, prompt attendance is tied to
school success. 

School Hours

Elementaries (Including Pre-K)








Early Release Times

Elementaries (Including Pre-K)

12:00 noon








Attendance and Absences


Attendance and Absences

Virginia requires daily student attendance. Regular, prompt attendance is tied with high student achievement.

When Should My Child Stay Home Sick? 

Your child may go to school with a mild runny nose or cough, but keep your child home when they have:

• Fever (100.0°F+) within the last 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication

• Uncontrolled cough or nasal drainage

• Diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours

Other Reasons to Stay Home:

• Red, crusty, or itchy and draining eyes

• If the student has tested positive or been diagnosed with a respiratory virus such as flu, RSV, COVID, or pertussis (whooping cough)

• If they have any other untreated contagious disease such as impetigo or conjunctivitis.


How Do I Report When My Child is Sick? 

When a student is sick, please call or use ParentSquare to contact the school to report the absence. (Call the school’s main telephone, or at CHS, call the attendance line at 434-245-2697.) If you receive an absence notice in ParentSquare, you can click “Send Note to School,” enter the reason for the absence and click “Submit.” For extended absences, other documentation may be required.

When Can My Student Return to School?

It’s safe for your child to return to school when the child’s overall symptoms are improving AND

• No fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication

• No vomiting or diarrhea in last 24 hours

• Your child can manage respiratory secretions

• The student is able to maintain concentration and manage in the school building for a whole school day 


More Information about Attendance
and Absences

To find links for more information about the topics on this page, visit:


Transportation, Meals, and Student Supports



Students are eligible for the bus based on their distance from the school — .75 miles for elementaries, 1.25 miles for Buford/Walker, and 1.5 miles for CHS. Read on for more information about transportation, or find more at

Bus Riders

If your child is eligible and you requested bus service, the school will be in touch with bus information.

Students are expected to follow safety rules and to behave well on the bus. The “Family Guide to Bus Safety” in the Student Rights and Responsibilities describes important rules and information. Students who present disciplinary or safety challenges on the bus will be referred to the principal and may have their riding privileges suspended. 

After 10 days of unexplained absence from the bus, the student’s seat will be reassigned to someone on the waitlist. 

Parents/guardians (or their designee) are required to escort 1st-graders and younger students to and from the bus stop. For more information, visit


Car-Riders and Drivers

Families should drop off students in the designated zone only (not typically near the front door or where buses drop off). Do not pass loading or unloading buses. CHS students with driving licenses must obtain a parking tag; cars without tags are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

CAT Riders

Older students also have the option to catch the CAT to CHS, Buford, or Walker. Youth passes are free. You can learn more at

Walkers and Bike-Riders

We encourage students to bike or walk to school. Students are responsible for their own safety. On our transportation page, we have published maps that show where crossing guards are stationed. The City’s Safe Routes to School program works to support safe walking and bike-riding. To learn more, visit 

Student Meals (Free!)

All students attending Charlottesville City Schools are eligible to receive a free nutritious breakfast and lunch each day at school. You do not need to complete any application.

Charlottesville City Schools strives to serve fresh, healthy, and tasty meals. We offer breakfast and lunch. When possible, we purchase local food and cook from scratch to minimize salt, sugar, and fat. We also provide salads to offer choices for everyone, including vegan and vegetarian students. Out of respect to our Jewish and Muslim students, no pork products are served. All meals follow USDA guidelines. Menus and meal ingredients are available online — look for a link in ParentSquare or on your school’s homepage.


Does Your Student or Family Have Specific Needs? We Want to Help.

Our students are unique people with unique needs, and we want to partner with families.

Here are just a few situations where families may need extra support:

• Students qualifying for special education services

• English learners

• Families experiencing food scarcity or homelessness

• Those experiencing mental health challenges

• Families who need internet access to support their child’s learning. 

We have staff, resources, and procedures to help. Please let us know about your situation and needs — you can start with the trusted staff member of your choice to begin the conversation.

Need Counseling or Other Supports?

Our teachers provide regular instruction in social-emotional learning and work to build a strong classroom community. In addition, we have counselors, social workers, and psychologists to meet the needs of students and families. Our school counselors work to meet students’ needs in the areas of academics, social-emotional wellness, and career planning. To learn more about the counseling program or materials used — or to limit your child’s participation in counseling programs, see your school counselor. You can email your counselor or call your school. See 

Need a Counseling Appointment? 

• Call your school or email your school counselor

• Contact Care Solace, a free service that will set up mental health appointments for our students, staff, and families. Call (888) 515-0595 for assistance 24/7 in any language. Or visit the CareSolace website at


Need Immediate Help?

Community Based Crisis Supports:

• Region Ten Emergency Services: 434-972-1800 (24 hr)

• Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (24 hr)

• Region 1 Mobile Crisis Line: 1-800-970-5897 (M–F 12–7:30pm)

• ReadyKids: 434-972-7233 (24 hour hotline)

• Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 (24 hr)

• LGBTQ+ Youth Support Line/Side by Side: 1-888-644-4390 (Ages 14–20)

For an immediate crisis, call 911 or go to the hospital.


More Student Information



Charlottesville City Schools recognizes the strong link between a child’s social, emotional, and physical health and their ability to learn. Schools also play an important role in teaching children about wellness. Our wellness programs are informed by the School Health Advisory Board. Find the policy at

More About Instruction

The graduation requirements are shown on this page, but there are many other areas where you may have questions about your child’s educational options and plans. This might relate to college prep classes, the instructional goals or assessments for your child, any tests or screenings we participate in, teacher qualifications, information about retention/advancement, or more. To learn more about these and other topics, visit


Check with your school about clubs and athletic competition (at Buford and CHS). Athletes, schedule your sports physical now! To learn more about CHS athletics, which follow VHSL guidelines, visit or call 434-245-2699. Please note that CHS has a clear bag policy for school-sponsored ticketed events.

Fees for Students

Occasionally, Charlottesville City Schools classes, clubs, teams, and activities will charge student fees. Fees should not be a barrier to student participation. Impacted families should speak with the teacher, advisor, or principal to make arrangements for fee waivers. Fees may also be charged when Chromebooks, textbooks, or library books are lost, damaged, or overdue. An annual fee schedule is posted at 


Cell Phones, Personal Technology, & Wifi

While cell phones and other devices have many benefits, they can be a distraction to student learning and harmful to mental wellbeing. At all schools, student cell phones and other personal devices must be out of sight and turned off (“off and away”) for the whole day. Find details from your school and in the Student Rights & Responsibilities document. Cville Schools wifi will be limited to CCS-approved devices.

Dress Code

Clothing and dress are important forms of expression. All students are expected to dress appropriately for a K–12 environment. In 2018, the Charlottesville School Board unanimously passed a resolution that bans students from wearing clothing that depicts symbols “associated with racial hatred and violence,” including swastikas or Confederate imagery. Students not complying with the dress code will be offered solutions such as covering or removing the item in question or wearing an item supplied by the school. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action. For details about the dress code, please visit:

Discipline and Student Rights and Responsibilities

All students should conduct themselves with respect—be responsible, safe, and prepared. State law, as well as district policies and regulations, authorize certain school officials to impose disciplinary measures. Officials follow procedures set forth in the Student Rights and Responsibilities. 

The Student Rights and Responsibilities describes expected behaviors and possible consequences for when standards are not met. To receive a printed copy, visit or call your school. You can find it online – along with state-required information regarding laws governing the prosecution of juveniles as adults for the commision of certain crimes. Learn more at


Discipline at Charlottesville City Schools takes place in a context of positive supports in areas such as behavior, academics, and mental wellness.To learn more, visit 

Grading in Charlottesville
City Schools

Beginning this school year, we will start using a 10-point grading scale at Walker, Buford, and Charlottesville High School. We will also continue transitioning grades 6–12 to standards-based grading, a system that documents students’ mastery and understanding of a class’s core skills and learning standards. We have successfully implemented this grading system in some math classes over several years, and will be transitioning to this approach in all other subjects in grades 6–12 over the next few years (with full implementation in the 2027–28 school year.) Learn more at

School Security

We all contribute to our shared safety. Remind your student, “If you see something, say something.” Learn more about our community-oriented approach to school safety. Informed by experts in school safety, our model prioritizes relationships, mental health supports, upgrades to building security, our care & safety assistants, and our community partners, including the police. Find more at

Attending a ticketed event at Buford or CHS? Remember to bring clear bags only. And we will also begin screening guests with weapons detectors. We will initially implement this procedure at ticketed events with anticipated audiences of 250 or more people.

Finally, remember school safety begins at home. To help you store medicines and guns safely, our partners at Region Ten have information and free secure storage devices. Finally, “talk safety” with family and friends about mental health, medicine and gun storage, and substance misuse. Visit

Strategic Plan 2023–2028

As we head into year two of our strategic plan, we have made good foundational progress on the following four priority areas:


Increase Academic Achievement


Provide a Culture of Safety,
Wellness, and Belonging


Support Our Staff


Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations

Read the full strategic plan, including targets for how the division will measure improvement, at


To follow our progress, tune in to School Board meetings and our monthly community “News and Highlights.” Together, we can become a community where everyone can achieve their full potential.


Information for Adults

Visitors and Volunteers

Visitors and volunteers are welcomed. Please bring a photo ID and check in at the main office. The receptionist will give you instructions and a badge to stick to your clothing. Remember to sign out when you leave. Interested in volunteering? Complete the online training and registration form.

Want to Get Informed or Involved?

• Connect with your school’s PTO. Visit your school webpage for details.

• Follow School Board meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 5pm. Watch on
@CvilleSchools Facebook or sign up to speak. For official reminders and notifications, sign up here:

• You can follow or join our advisory committees on equity, gifted education, school health, and special education. Visit to learn more. 

Understand Your Child’s Academic Growth

There are two new ways to see and understand your child’s growth. In PowerSchool, click “Test Scores” on the left menu to see past testing or SOL scores. Virginia also now offers an Assessment Parent Portal to access all state test results. (Your login credentials are shown on the PowerSchool test scores page). PowerSchool URL: Virginia Portal Login:

Family Responsibilities

Education is a responsibility shared by the school and the family. Virginia law requires that “each parent … has a duty to assist the school in enforcing the standards of student conduct and compulsory school attendance.” To promote family partnership, we have staff such as our family engagement coordinator, counselors, and social workers. In addition, schools provide activities and ways for families to be both involved and in touch. Find more about parental involvement, including the state’s parental responsibility law, the Student Rights and Responsibilities, and Virginia’s compulsory attendance law here:

Facts and Figures

On our website, we maintain a “Fast Facts” page with information such as student demographics, pupil-teacher ratios, cost per pupil, and links to the state’s School Quality Profiles. Visit 

Privacy Rights

Students and families have privacy rights in areas such as access to student records; choice in surveys, screenings, and data collection; participation in some physical screenings; and limiting the release of student information (including photos and videos) for purposes such as public directories, promotional purposes, or military recruiters. Visit


More Questions?

Our website covers other topics such as school policies, Virginia’s health insurance for students, and information about asbestos and water-testing.
To find our annual notifications, visit

Adult Education

We believe in lifelong learning! Several community resources can help you, from career skills to English lessons.

• CATEC (Charlottesville Area Technical Education Center) or 434-245-2419

• Thomas Jefferson Adult and Career Education at PVCC: or 434-961-5461


CCS Directory of Services

Main Number: (434) 245-2400


Adult Education @ PVCC

Alternative Education


Attendance Absence,
Call individual school; for CHS, call 245-2697


Building Maintenance
Call individual school or 245-2947

Call individual school

Career Counseling/Training
Call counselor


Child Abuse or Neglect

See box, above

Counseling Services for Students
Call school or 888-515-0595

Curriculum and Instruction

Custody Issues
Call school or 245-2405



Driver Education

Drug Use Prevention

English as a Second Language


Extracurricular Activities
Call school

Family Engagement

Food Services, Including Free Meals

Garden Education/City Schoolyard Garden (Cultivate Charlottesville)

General Equivalency Diploma (GED)

Gifted Services



Health Insurance for Students

Health Services for Students
Call school or 245-2405

Home Schooling

Homeless Students

Human Resources

Libraries/Media Centers
Call school

Medicines at School
Call school or 245-2405

MLK Jr. Performing Arts Center


See school website

Call school

(Call 911 in emergency)
Call school or 245-2944

School Board


Spanish Telephone Line
245-2548  (voice mail)

Special Education

Technology (Instructional)

Call school or 245-2400




1. We use our notification system, ParentSquare, to make weather announcements. Call your school if you do not receive notices or need to make changes.

2. Visit or check Facebook and Twitter at @CvilleSchools. 

3. Check local media stations. school or 245-2405


Se habla español

Si tiene preguntas acerca de las escuelas de Charlottesville, llame a nuestra línea telefónica en español al (434) 245-2548. Un profesor de español le devolverá la llamada.


Non-Discrimination Notice

The Charlottesville City School Board is committed to nondiscrimination with regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, military status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law. This commitment prevails in all of its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business. The Director of Human Resources shall act as the compliance officer for discrimination issues regarding employees and the general public under Title IX. The Director of Assessment and Accountability shall act as the compliance officer for discrimination issues regarding students under Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitative Act of 1973. Both compliance officers may be contacted at the administrative offices of Charlottesville City Schools, 1562 Dairy Road.



  • Message from the Superintendent
    Dear Charlottesville Schools families,
    Welcome back to school!
    When I joined this community three years ago, one of the first things I spoke about was my belief in the power of collaboration — “We are Better Together.” As we start a new school year in Charlottesville, I want to emphasize that this isn’t just a slogan. I truly believe that we are family. And in my family, we get to know one another, celebrate each other’s successes, and hold one another up through our challenges. 
    On the pages of this calendar you’ll find many opportunities to gather with your Cville Schools family. Many more ways to connect and celebrate your school can be found on your individual school’s Google calendar. And when you or your student needs a helping hand, remember you are not alone. Teachers, school leaders, and PTOs are eager to support you, as am I. Please don’t hesitate to reach out — an extra set of eyes and hands can make all the difference. Our strength lies in the power of collaboration.
    This year, we are marking the 50th anniversary of Charlottesville High School. To my mind, 2024 is a perfect moment to honor the past, celebrate the present, and envision an even brighter future for this beloved institution. Coming off a spring of big sports wins, strong AP scores, and great graduates, Black Knight pride is in the air. And with a new principal in Dr. Justin Malone, we are moving forward strong. Visit for an updated list of events, tours, and other ways to participate in this golden anniversary.
    Additionally, the new Charlottesville Middle School continues to be on track to open next fall — meaning this will be the last year of Buford Middle School. During this transition time, I particularly want to thank our current 8th graders, the Class of 2029, who will have spent their two years at Buford watching the construction of a new school they won’t get to attend. Their patience makes it possible for the next generation to enjoy a new chapter in middle school education in Charlottesville.
    We are also entering the second year of our five-year Strategic Plan. Addressing disparities in student outcomes across race, ethnicity, and income is at the heart of this effort, and we have rigorous benchmarks that will ensure we truly “walk the talk.” There is good progress to report from year one, and I encourage you to follow along via
    Wishing our students, staff, and families a year filled with learning and friendship,

    Dr. Royal A. Gurley, Jr., Superintendent

    Welcome Back to School
    We are eager to welcome you back to school on Wednesday, August 14! This information is designed to help students and families get off to a great start this fall. For topics not covered in these pages, visit
    About QR Codes
    QR codes — the square barcodes throughout this calendar — give you quick access to different pages on our website. To use, open your smartphone or tablet’s camera or QR Code Reader app, and hold your device over the QR Code so that it is clearly visible on your screen. You will either be taken directly to the selected webpage, or you can follow the instructions that appear on your device. If the codes are too close together for your phone to read the right one, cover the other codes with a scrap of paper.
    About this Calendar
    We hope this calendar brings “news you can use,” including school holidays and other key dates. Dates/times are subject to change — check (and subscribe to) our Google calendars on our website. The included holidays are among those observed by Virginia, Charlottesville, or Cville Schools, and in every case, we indicate whether school is in session. Religious holidays are not shown, but we support family observances and advise schools not to schedule events on key religious and cultural dates.
    Translation Traducción 
    Teachers and schools will send messages using the ParentSquare app. The app supports translation in more than 100 languages. To change the language of the app: From Home, click the menu bars in the upper right. Select My Account. Click Language and select your preferred language.
    Si tiene preguntas acerca de las escuelas de Charlottesville, llame a nuestra línea telefónica en español al 434-245-2548. Un profesor de español le devolverá la llamada.

    Getting Ready!
    Find the latest back-to-school information at You can also find your child’s teacher assignments and schedules as soon as they are posted by logging into PowerSchool at Need login help? Call your school.
    Re-Registering and Updating Your Child’s Records
    If you have not re-registered each of your students, please log into your SchoolMint account. Need help? Find instructions by using the QR code, or call your school. Need to open a new SchoolMint account? You’ll need the ID number for each of your students, which you can find by logging into PowerSchool or checking the ParentSquare reminders about re-registering your child. (Or call your school for assistance.) Need to update your contact information later? You can call your school or report changes in ParentSquare.

    Charlottesville City Schools & Programs
    Charlottesville High School (9–12)
    Dr. Justin Malone, Principal
    1400 Melbourne Road 22901
    Office (434) 245-2410; Attendance 245-2697; 
    Fax 245-2610
    Buford Middle School (7–8)
    and New Pathways Academy
    Mr. Rodney Jordan, Principal
    1000 Cherry Avenue 22903
    (434) 245-2411; Fax 245-2611
    Walker Upper Elementary (5–6)
    Dr. Summerlyn Thompson, Principal
    1564 Dairy Road 22903
    (434) 245-2412; Fax 245-2612
    Burnley-Moran Elementary (PreK–4)
    Dr. Elizabeth Korab, Principal
    1300 Long Street 22901
    (434) 245-2413; Fax 245-2613
    Greenbrier Elementary (PreK–4)
    Ms. Dina Fricke, Principal
    2228 Greenbrier Drive 22901
    (434) 245-2415; Fax 288-0387
    Jackson-Via Elementary (PreK–4)
    Dr. Tara Bartlett, Principal
    508 Harris Road 22903
    (434) 245-2416; Fax 245-2616
    Johnson Elementary (PreK–4)
    Ms. Georgette Mickens, Principal
    1645 Cherry Avenue 22903
    (434) 245-2417; Fax 245-2617
    Summit Elementary (PreK–4)
    Note: Clark is now Summit Elementary!
    Mrs. Carmella Johnson, Principal
    1000 Belmont Avenue 22902
    (434) 245-2414; Fax 245-2614
    Trailblazer Elementary (PreK–4)
    Note: Venable is now Trailblazer Elementary!
    Ms. Chantel Beverly, Principal
    406 14th Street NW 22903
    (434) 245-2418; Fax 245-2618

    Charlottesville Area Technical Education Center (CATEC)
    Dr. Stacey Heltz, Principal
    1000 East Rio Road 22901
    (434) 245-2419
    Hospital Education Program 
    at UVA Children’s Hospital
    Mr. Eric Johnson, Principal
    610 Kirtley Lane 22903
    (434) 924-2658
    Lugo-McGinness Academy
    Dr. Lamont Trotter, Administrator
    341 11th Street NW 22903
    (434) 245-2406
    WALK Program
    Ms. Dianna Poe
    1400 Melbourne Road 22901
    (434) 245-2636
    Student Transportation
    Operated by Charlottesville City Transportation.
    Call your school office.
    Division Administration
    1562 Dairy Road 22903 • (434) 245-2400
    Division Administration Annex (at CHS):
    1400 Melbourne Road 22901 • (434) 245-2405

    Dr. Royal A. Gurley, Jr., Superintendent
    Dr. Katina Otey, Chief Academic Officer
    Ms. Kim Powell, Chief Operations Officer
    Ms. Beth Cheuk, Supervisor of Community Relations 
    Mr. Pat Cuomo, Director of Technology 
    Ms. Renee Hoover, Director of Finance
    Dr. Denise Johnson, Supervisor of Equity and Inclusion
    Ms. Maria Lewis, Director of Human Resources
    Ms. Rachel Rasnake, Director of Student Services 
    Mrs. Carolyn Swift, Director of Assessment & Accountability
    School Board Members
    Clerk of the School Board: (434) 245-2944
    Ms. Lisa Larson-Torres, Chair
    Mr. Dom Morse, Vice-Chair
    Ms. Amanda Burns
    Ms. Shymora Cooper
    Ms. Emily Dooley
    Mr. Chris Meyer
    Ms. Nicole Richardson

    School Board meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month at 5pm. To find meeting details and documents, or to sign up for monthly notifications, visit Meetings can be watched on our 
    @CvilleSchools Facebook page and are later uploaded to our YouTube channel.

    Staying in Touch
    There are many ways to stay connected:
    •    Look for updates from your teachers, principals, and the school division through ParentSquare. Download the app for the best experience. See below for more. 
    •    Create a Canvas log-in to see your child’s online “classroom,” assignments, grades, and more. 
    •    Log into PowerSchool to see grades or check attendance. 
    •    Call or email your school.
    •    Check our website:
    •    Subscribe to our Google calendar. Go to
    •    Look for @CvilleSchools on social media.

    ParentSquare App
    We use ParentSquare for all our school-related communications. Looking for a message or reminder from your teacher, principal, or the school division? Check ParentSquare. Need to send a message to your teacher or another employee? Use the ParentSquare messaging feature. The ParentSquare app or website provides an easy way to scroll through all your school-related messages, keeping important information in one place (and in 100+ languages). ParentSquare will work without the app, but the app (or the web login) provides the best experience. Go to to learn more and find links to download the free app. 

    Let’s get to school on time and ready to go! Regular, prompt attendance is tied to 
    school success. 
    School Hours
    Early Release Times
    12:00 noon

    Attendance and Absences
    Virginia requires daily student attendance. Regular, prompt attendance is tied with high student achievement.

    When Should My Child Stay Home Sick? 
    Your child may go to school with a mild runny nose or cough, but keep your child home when they have:
    •    Fever (100.0°F+) within the last 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication
    •    Uncontrolled cough or nasal drainage
    •    Diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours
    Other Reasons to Stay Home:
    •    Red, crusty, or itchy and draining eyes
    •    If the student has tested positive or been diagnosed with a respiratory virus such as flu, RSV, COVID, or pertussis (whooping cough)
    •    If they have any other untreated contagious disease such as impetigo or conjunctivitis.

    How Do I Report When My Child is Sick? 
    When a student is sick, please call or use ParentSquare to contact the school to report the absence. (Call the school’s main telephone, or at CHS, call the attendance line at 434-245-2697.) If you receive an absence notice in ParentSquare, you can click “Send Note to School,” enter the reason for the absence and click “Submit.” For extended absences, other documentation may be required.
    When Can My Student Return to School?
    It’s safe for your child to return to school when the child’s overall symptoms are improving AND
    •    No fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication
    •    No vomiting or diarrhea in last 24 hours
    •    Your child can manage respiratory secretions
    •    The student is able to maintain concentration and manage in the school building for a whole school day 

    More Information about Attendance 
    and Absences
    To find links for more information about the topics on this page, visit:

    Transportation, Meals, and Student Supports

    Students are eligible for the bus based on their distance from the school — .75 miles for elementaries, 1.25 miles for Buford/Walker, and 1.5 miles for CHS. Read on for more information about transportation, or find more at
    Bus Riders
    If your child is eligible and you requested bus service, the school will be in touch with bus information.
    Students are expected to follow safety rules and to behave well on the bus. The “Family Guide to Bus Safety” in the Student Rights and Responsibilities describes important rules and information. Students who present disciplinary or safety challenges on the bus will be referred to the principal and may have their riding privileges suspended. 
    After 10 days of unexplained absence from the bus, the student’s seat will be reassigned to someone on the waitlist. 
    Parents/guardians (or their designee) are required to escort 1st-graders and younger students to and from the bus stop. For more information, visit

    Car-Riders and Drivers
    Families should drop off students in the designated zone only (not typically near the front door or where buses drop off). Do not pass loading or unloading buses. CHS students with driving licenses must obtain a parking tag; cars without tags are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
    CAT Riders
    Older students also have the option to catch the CAT to CHS, Buford, or Walker. Youth passes are free. You can learn more at
    Walkers and Bike-Riders
    We encourage students to bike or walk to school. Students are responsible for their own safety. On our transportation page, we have published maps that show where crossing guards are stationed. The City’s Safe Routes to School program works to support safe walking and bike-riding. To learn more, visit 
    Student Meals (Free!)
    All students attending Charlottesville City Schools are eligible to receive a free nutritious breakfast and lunch each day at school. You do not need to complete any application.
    Charlottesville City Schools strives to serve fresh, healthy, and tasty meals. We offer breakfast and lunch. When possible, we purchase local food and cook from scratch to minimize salt, sugar, and fat. We also provide salads to offer choices for everyone, including vegan and vegetarian students. Out of respect to our Jewish and Muslim students, no pork products are served. All meals follow USDA guidelines. Menus and meal ingredients are available online — look for a link in ParentSquare or on your school’s homepage.

    Does Your Student or Family Have Specific Needs? We Want to Help.
    Our students are unique people with unique needs, and we want to partner with families.
    Here are just a few situations where families may need extra support:
    •    Students qualifying for special education services
    •    English learners
    •    Families experiencing food scarcity or homelessness
    •    Those experiencing mental health challenges
    •    Families who need internet access to support their child’s learning. 
    We have staff, resources, and procedures to help. Please let us know about your situation and needs — you can start with the trusted staff member of your choice to begin the conversation.
    Need Counseling or Other Supports?
    Our teachers provide regular instruction in social-emotional learning and work to build a strong classroom community. In addition, we have counselors, social workers, and psychologists to meet the needs of students and families. Our school counselors work to meet students’ needs in the areas of academics, social-emotional wellness, and career planning. To learn more about the counseling program or materials used — or to limit your child’s participation in counseling programs, see your school counselor. You can email your counselor or call your school. See 
    Need a Counseling Appointment? 
    •    Call your school or email your school counselor
    •    Contact Care Solace, a free service that will set up mental health appointments for our students, staff, and families. Call (888) 515-0595 for assistance 24/7 in any language. Or visit

    Need Immediate Help?
    Community Based Crisis Supports:
    •    Region Ten Emergency Services: 434-972-1800 (24 hr)
    •    Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (24 hr)
    •    Region 1 Mobile Crisis Line: 1-800-970-5897 (M–F 12–7:30pm)
    •    ReadyKids: 434-972-7233 (24 hour hotline)
    •    Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 (24 hr)
    •    LGBTQ+ Youth Support Line/Side by Side: 1-888-644-4390 (Ages 14–20)
    For an immediate crisis, call 911 or go to the hospital.

    More Student Information

    Charlottesville City Schools recognizes the strong link between a child’s social, emotional, and physical health and their ability to learn. Schools also play an important role in teaching children about wellness. Our wellness programs are informed by the School Health Advisory Board. Find the policy at
    More About Instruction
    The graduation requirements are shown on this page, but there are many other areas where you may have questions about your child’s educational options and plans. This might relate to college prep classes, the instructional goals or assessments for your child, any tests or screenings we participate in, teacher qualifications, information about retention/advancement, or more. To learn more about these and other topics, visit
    Check with your school about clubs and athletic competition (at Buford and CHS). Athletes, schedule your sports physical now! To learn more about CHS athletics, which follow VHSL guidelines, visit or call 434-245-2699. Please note that CHS has a clear bag policy for school-sponsored ticketed events.
    Fees for Students
    Occasionally, Charlottesville City Schools classes, clubs, teams, and activities will charge student fees. Fees should not be a barrier to student participation. Impacted families should speak with the teacher, advisor, or principal to make arrangements for fee waivers. Fees may also be charged when Chromebooks, textbooks, or library books are lost, damaged, or overdue. An annual fee schedule is posted at 

    Cell Phones, Personal Technology, & Wifi
    While cell phones and other devices have many benefits, they can be a distraction to student learning and harmful to mental wellbeing. At all schools, student cell phones and other personal devices must be out of sight and turned off (“off and away”) for the whole day. Find details from your school and in the Student Rights & Responsibilities document. Cville Schools wifi will be limited to CCS-approved devices.
    Dress Code
    Clothing and dress are important forms of expression. All students are expected to dress appropriately for a K–12 environment. In 2018, the Charlottesville School Board unanimously passed a resolution that bans students from wearing clothing that depicts symbols “associated with racial hatred and violence,” including swastikas or Confederate imagery. Students not complying with the dress code will be offered solutions such as covering or removing the item in question or wearing an item supplied by the school. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action. For details about the dress code, please visit:
    Discipline and Student Rights and Responsibilities
    All students should conduct themselves with respect—be responsible, safe, and prepared. State law, as well as district policies and regulations, authorize certain school officials to impose disciplinary measures. Officials follow procedures set forth in the Student Rights and Responsibilities. 
    The Student Rights and Responsibilities describes expected behaviors and possible consequences for when standards are not met. To receive a printed copy, visit or call your school. You can find it online – along with state-required information regarding laws governing the prosecution of juveniles as adults for the commision of certain crimes. Learn more at

    Discipline at Charlottesville City Schools takes place in a context of positive supports in areas such as behavior, academics, and mental wellness.To learn more, visit 

    Grading in Charlottesville City Schools
    Beginning this school year, we will start using a 10-point grading scale at Walker, Buford, and Charlottesville High School. We will also continue transitioning grades 6–12 to standards-based grading, a system that documents students’ mastery and understanding of a class’s core skills and learning standards. We have successfully implemented this grading system in some math classes over several years, and will be transitioning to this approach in all other subjects in grades 6–12 over the next few years (with full implementation in the 2027–28 school year.) Learn more at

    School Security
    We all contribute to our shared safety. Remind your student, “If you see something, say something.” Learn more about our community-oriented approach to school safety. Informed by experts in school safety, our model prioritizes relationships, mental health supports, upgrades to building security, our care & safety assistants, and our community partners, including the police. Find more at
    Attending a ticketed event at Buford or CHS? Remember to bring clear bags only. And we will also begin screening guests with weapons detectors. We will initially implement this procedure at ticketed events with anticipated audiences of 250 or more people.
    Finally, remember school safety begins at home. To help you store medicines and guns safely, our partners at Region Ten have information and free secure storage devices. Finally, “talk safety” with family and friends about mental health, medicine and gun storage, and substance misuse. Visit
    Strategic Plan 2023–2028
    As we head into year two of our strategic plan, we have made good foundational progress on the following four priority areas:
    Increase Academic Achievement
    Provide a Culture of Safety, 
    Wellness, and Belonging
    Support Our Staff
    Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
    Read the full strategic plan, including targets for how the division will measure improvement, at

    To follow our progress, tune in to School Board meetings and our monthly community “News and Highlights.” Together, we can become a community where everyone can achieve their full potential.

    Information for Adults
    Visitors and Volunteers
    Visitors and volunteers are welcomed. Please bring a photo ID and check in at the main office. The receptionist will give you instructions and a badge to stick to your clothing. Remember to sign out when you leave. Interested in volunteering? Complete the online training and registration form at:
    Want to Get Informed or Involved?
    •    Connect with your school’s PTO. Visit your school webpage for details.
    •    Follow School Board meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 5pm. Watch on 
    @CvilleSchools Facebook or sign up to speak. For official reminders and notifications, sign up here:
    •    You can follow or join our advisory committees on equity, gifted education, school health, and special education. Visit to learn more. 
    Understand Your Child’s Academic Growth
    There are two new ways to see and understand your child’s growth. In PowerSchool, click “Test Scores” on the left menu to see past testing or SOL scores. Virginia also now offers an Assessment Parent Portal to access all state test results. (Your login credentials are shown on the PowerSchool test scores page). PowerSchool URL: Virginia Portal Login:
    Family Responsibilities
    Education is a responsibility shared by the school and the family. Virginia law requires that “each parent … has a duty to assist the school in enforcing the standards of student conduct and compulsory school attendance.” To promote family partnership, we have staff such as our family engagement coordinator, counselors, and social workers. In addition, schools provide activities and ways for families to be both involved and in touch. Find more about parental involvement, including the state’s parental responsibility law, the Student Rights and Responsibilities, and Virginia’s compulsory attendance law here:
    Facts and Figures
    On our website, we maintain a “Fast Facts” page with information such as student demographics, pupil-teacher ratios, cost per pupil, and links to the state’s School Quality Profiles. Visit 
    Privacy Rights
    Students and families have privacy rights in areas such as access to student records; choice in surveys, screenings, and data collection; participation in some physical screenings; and limiting the release of student information (including photos and videos) for purposes such as public directories, promotional purposes, or military recruiters. Visit
    More Questions?
    Our website covers other topics such as school policies, Virginia’s health insurance for students, and information about asbestos and water-testing. 
    To find our annual notifications, visit
    Adult Education
    We believe in lifelong learning! Several community resources can help you, from career skills to English lessons.
    •    CATEC (Charlottesville Area Technical Education Center) or 434-245-2419
    •    Thomas Jefferson Adult and Career Education at PVCC: or 434-961-5461

    CCS Directory of Services
    Main Number: (434) 245-2400

    Adult Education @ PVCC
    Alternative Education
    Attendance Absence, 
    Call individual school; for CHS, call 245-2697
    Building Maintenance
    Call individual school or 245-2947
    Call individual school
    Career Counseling/Training
    Call counselor
    Child Abuse or Neglect
    See box, above
    Counseling Services for Students 
    Call school or 888-515-0595
    Curriculum and Instruction 
    Custody Issues
    Call school or 245-2405
    Driver Education 
    Drug Use Prevention
    English as a Second Language 
    Extracurricular Activities
    Call school
    Family Engagement
    Food Services, Including Free Meals 
    Garden Education/City Schoolyard Garden (Cultivate Charlottesville)
    General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
    Gifted Services

    Health Insurance for Students 
    Health Services for Students
    Call school or 245-2405
    Home Schooling
    Homeless Students
    Human Resources
    Libraries/Media Centers
    Call school
    Medicines at School
    Call school or 245-2405
    MLK Jr. Performing Arts Center
    See school website
    Call school
    (Call 911 in emergency)
    Call school or 245-2944
    School Board

    Spanish Telephone Line
    245-2548  (voice mail)
    Special Education
    Technology (Instructional)
    Call school or 245-2400

    1.    We use our notification system, ParentSquare, to make weather announcements. Call your school if you do not receive notices or need to make changes.
    2.    Visit or check Facebook and Twitter at @CvilleSchools. 
    3.    Check local media stations. school or 245-2405

    Se habla español
    Si tiene preguntas acerca de las escuelas de Charlottesville, llame a nuestra línea telefónica en español al (434) 245-2548. Un profesor de español le devolverá la llamada.

    Non-Discrimination Notice
    The Charlottesville City School Board is committed to nondiscrimination with regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, military status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law. This commitment prevails in all of its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business. The Director of Human Resources shall act as the compliance officer for discrimination issues regarding employees and the general public under Title IX. The Director of Assessment and Accountability shall act as the compliance officer for discrimination issues regarding students under Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitative Act of 1973. Both compliance officers may be contacted at the administrative offices of Charlottesville City Schools, 1562 Dairy Road.

Print calendars from previous years